Nama Kelompok : Capital
Nama Anggota : 1. Anissa N.A.S (21208499)
2. Arum Pramuningtyas (20208196)
3. Lia Agustin (20208729)
4. Lia Asri Lestari (20208730)
5. Verawati (21208256)
Kelas : 4EB01
Pelajaran : Akuntansi Internasional
Accounting as we know it today along with his theories that have been implemented by countries in the world, have long history.
This paper will attempt to tell the story of the accounting by connecting it with the world which gave it birth.
The story begins with the first modern accounting records ever found, which was about 600 years old. Here will discuss the evolution of double-entry that begins from the time development of the Renaissance, accounting antecedents of civilization in which peeling accounting nations in antiquity. Exploration of the era of stagnation and accounting up to the industrial revolution. After it was too little discussion about the rise of the accounting profession and the future of accounting in the future.
With hope after reading this paper is that students know the origins of ancient art and now they are starting a practice and how much debt we are in the great civilizations in Africa and Asia.
A. Pairwise evolutionary Bookkeeping
1. Period Renainsance
We do not know who created the accounting. However, we know that the system of bookkeeping pair gradually began to emerge during the 13th century and the 14th in several trading centers in northern Italy. The first record of a bookkeeping system complete pairs found in the records of the city of Genoa, Italy for the year 1340. Previous sections found in the records of Giovanni Farolfi & Company, a trading Integration in Florence, dated from the years 1299-1300, and in the notes Rinieri Fini & Brothers, which trade on the famous fairs in those days in the Champaigne, France.
The first person mengkodefikasikan accounting is a monk named Brother Luca Pacioli Francissca who spent most of his life as a teacher and students at the universities of Perugia, Florence, Pisa and Bologna, and ended his life by teaching mathematics at the University of Rome. Pacioli wrote a book entitled Summa de Arithmetica, geometrica, Proportioni et Proportionalita. This book appeared in 1494 in Venice. Summa book is primarily a treatise on mathematics, but also includes two sections on grammar books in pairs, called Particularis de Computis et Scripturis. Treatise reflects the practices that occurred in Venice at the time, known as the "Method of Venice" or "Italian method". So that he could not find the books in pairs, but describes something in peraktik at the time.
Origin of terms in Accounting
Debit, credit, journal entries, general ledger, accounts, trial balance, income statement and all from the Renainsance. Debt, debtor, debenture, and discharge, for example, all derived from the base, debere, that is owed, which is abbreviated to dr used in the entries. Credit from the same root with the word creed known as the Apostles Creed. It can also mean JV trust someone, such as creditors. The word originally in another language is credere, which is abbreviated cr used in the entries.
2. Antecedents of Accounting
But why Italy? And why the 14th century? The following section tells a beautiful legend why accounting eventually flourished in the time and place. With this story she told would immediately be seen that accounting is a product of many hands and many areas. Accounting history quickly shows that our own culture is almost entirely a derivation from other cultures.
2.1 early civilization
Most of the scenarios recognized that the recording system has existed in various civilizations since approximately 3000 BC. Among these were Chaldean-Babylonian civilization. Assyrians, and Samaria, which is forming the world's first system of government, forming the oldest written language system, and the maker of the oldest records. Egyptian civilization, where the authors establish the pivot point of rotation of the whole machinery of finance and the department. Chinese civilization, the accounting rule that plays a key role and advanced Chao Dynasty (1122-256 BC), while the records of a sophisticated culture in India dating from 2300 BC. Greek civilization, where Zenon, Appolonius estate manager, introducing an extensive system of accounting in the year 256 BC. Roman civilization, the law determines that the taxpayer must make a statement of financial position and the civil rights that depend on the level of wealth that citizens otherwise.
In the year 332 BC Alexander the Great built the city of Alexandria, where the establishment of the library of the most remarkable in the ancient world, which houses more than 500,000 manuscripts. Many accounting records are from the very early days. For example, farmers on the banks of the Nile, Egypt pays the receivable clerk with wheat and flax for the use of irrigation water. Receipt given to the amount of grain farmers by drawing on the walls of the house. The archaeologists believe that the pieces of clay which is abundant in the area of Mesopotamia are also used for accounting purposes. Sophisticated accounting system also appears to exist in China since 2000 BC.
2.2 Civilizations Arabs
Mecca in ancient times in the line of flow of trade between Yemen (South Arabia) and Sham Sea Tengan. The two countries have reached this ancient civilization and dhubungkan by some small countries such as Mecca. In view of geographical terms, the city of Mecca is located almost in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, so it is not surprising when the growing spirit of trade among the inhabitants of Mecca. Elephants on the 12th Rabi-year or the 20th of April 571 AD, the baby was born, named Muhammad, who later became the last prophet and messenger.
Down a series of revelations began when the age of 40 years on the night of 17 Ramadan coincided with the August 6 610 M. The accounting system also suda hada in the reign of the Prophet was still alive, as has been the revelation of God's revelation is contained in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 282 which is "O ye who believe, if you bermu'amalah (such as sale, receivables owed, or lease rent) is not in cash for the specified time, let you write it correctly, and be not weary of writing the debt, both small and large until the deadline to pay ". The show was the revelation of the command to perform recordkeeping and the officer pencatatnya (now be referred to as an accountant).
During the period of a century after the death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, parapengikutnya has conquered most of northern Africa and the Middle East, and has penetrated Europe 765 years of Muslim leaders to move the capital of the caliphate Abbasya Islamic empire to a new city was founded, namely Baghdad. In the city that built the largest science center in the first milennia. To the agency that the Arabs brought from India one of the greatest discoveries in human thought, the concept of zero. In addition Musa Al-Khawrtzmi, the largest Arab mathematician and librarian caliph who is ill, wrote his book Al-Jabr Wa'al Mugabala. Of the book that we reduce the term algebra. This knowledge is not limited in Bagdad, but meyebar meyebrangi African coast to Spain, where the last Umayyad caliph fled.
Arabs, Jews, and Christians work together in peace in the universities in Cordoba, Sevilla, Malaga, and Granada, and universities make intellectual center of Europe. Spain in 1085 fell to Christian forces in 1258 and Baghdad fell to the Mongols led by Kublai Khan.
Humans and the cities are gone, but not science. In the Saar Pacioli wrote his book, he instructs his readers to use Arabic numerals except for the titles in which "you first have to write the year in the Big Book". Many of us are still doing the same thing now, and we unwittingly preserve the old distrust of the centuries on the number of new models.
3. Stagnation Era
Beginning in the late 15th century, cities in Italy decreased both politically and as centers of trade. With the discovery of the New World and the opening of new trade routes, commercial centers and Potugis moved to Spain and then to Antwerp and the Netherlands. So naturally if the system of Italian books in pairs to spread to other countries. Writers such as Dutch mathematician, Simon Stevin, Leyden in 1607. Few changes were made to these accounting techniques, but a way of writing began to show changes. According to Peragallo, in the period 1458 to 1558 the authors propose a mechanism developed by books such as the corporate world. No attempt was made to develop a theory about one paragraph in pairs and do not think any further than the needs of trading companies.
In the second cycle of the year yangberlangsung 1559 until 1795, critique of the books. In this period also paragraph pairs expand its application fields in other types of organizations, such as cost and the state. With the widespread criticism and scope of bookkeeping, began theoretical research into this subject. Historian Raymond de roover refer to the period from year 1494 until the year 1800 as a period of stagnation for the accounting.
4. Age of Exploration
The era of exploration was triggered by the magnitude of the power of the Italian cities which hinder the participation of the rest of Europe in commerce in the Mediterranean. In 1492, just two years before Pacioli published the book, Christopher Columbus sailed to the West by the Spanish carrack. Columbus was born in Genoa, where the accounting records of the oldest we know. In his adventures he is accompanied by an auditor appointed by the Spanish courts to oversee the spending records of Columbus when he calculates the price of gold and spices he would accumulate. Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magelland, and many others then follow Columbud in exploring the world.
Joint Stock Company (Joint Stock Company)
Financial needs of adventure on the explorers brought the development of a joint stock company will play an important role in accounting. Perusahaa these companies can be viewed as an extension Commenda Italy and the forerunner of modern corporations. People join together in an effort to finance the adventure (the venture) and each person was given sheets of shares proportionate to their investment. One of the first joint stock company established English East Indies Company was in 1600 when Queen Elizabeth as a major shareholder. The dilemma that immediately arises is that often there is not enough cash to pay off at the end of the adventure of the shareholders. It is therefore proposed that the investment in shares carried one time for some adventure.
However, this proved unsatisfactory from the standpoint of accounting. On October 19, 1657 adopted a new chapter to allow the issuance of permanent shares which will be co-invest in all the adventures in the future for an unspecified time limit. In 1673, the French code de Commere requires the formulation of the balance at least every two years by every business. Just a little investment at the beginning of the 18th century that caused the stock price doubled even three. The most well known companies are South Sea Company was supposed to be formed to make profits from the slave trade between Africa and South America. In addition, the company is not breathing and no hada prospectus issued financial statements. As a result the company went bankrupt and the resulting loss of thousands of pounds to the British royal family and wealthy population. This causes the stock certificate was banned in Britain for over a century.
5. Industrial Revolution
Stagnation era ended with the development of both the importance of accounting in this period was the beginning of the industrial revolution. Difficult to demonstrate a definite date for the commencement of the revolution or browse the cause is uncertain. Its origin as possible when in England produced a series of good harvests and demand for goods increases. Arise krgiatan manufacturing to meet demand and the discoveries began to transform the workplace (from handwork to machine-machine). Greater capital into the needs and emerging banks to finance these needs. In 1800 there are 80 banks in London and 400 banks across the country. In 1773 the London Stock Exchange was formed and shortly thereafter followed by the New York Exchange in 1792. The 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century witnessed a massive expansion in the industry, particularly in the United States and Britain. Trade is also extended some of which result from the doctrine of the book Wealth of Nations Adam Smith's work, published in 1776.
Impact of the Industrial Revolution in Accounting
Impact on the accounting is direct and indirect. For example, the coming of the factory system and mass production of fixed assets has led to a sizable portion in the production and distribution, making the concept of depreciation is increasingly important. With the growing need for management information on costs of production and cost to be determined in the valuation of inventory, increases will also need akuntansu system cost. The need for large capital, which requires a separation between investors and managers, meaning that one of the main objectives akuntansu be reporting to the owner who did not participate in day-to-day business activities. Financial information, which was previously prepared primarily for use manjerial, increasingly required by shareholders, investors, creditors, and government. Thus, the income return to investors must be distinguished from the return of capital to the owner.
Major capital needs that will also lead to the creation of the corporation and in time become a liability audit.
B. Rise Of Accounting Profession
With the start of the industrial revolution of the specialist accounting began to manifest themselves. Edinburgh led the way with seven accountants include in the list of members of city council in 1773. At the beginning of the 19th century, there are fewer than 50 new public accountant registered in the list of all the major cities in England and Scotland. Accountants of England and Scotland came to the United States to audit firms that received capital from the UK, giving rise to the accounting profession in the country.
C. Future Accounting
In the 500 years since Pacioli wrote his book, accounting itself actually remains constant. Meanwhile, the world over have the information revolution that should dramatically affect the accounting. With all of this information revolution will obviously occur in accounting. Needed to realize it is just the application of existing technology appropriate concept in the grip prudent use of renewable and adaptation methodologies with real-world developments, namely the generation of a field of retail, manufacturing second generation, third generation services and the fourth generation of media.
History of the International Accounting
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) was preceded by the International Accounting Standards Board Committee (IASC), which operated from 1973 to 2001.
IASC was established in June 1973 as a result of the agreement by the accounting bodies in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, England and Ireland and the United States, and these countries are IASC Board at that time.
Professional activities of international accounting bodies under the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) in 1977. In 1981, the IASC and IFAC agreed that IASC would have full and complete autonomy in setting international accounting standards and the publication of discussion documents on international accounting issues. At the same time, all members of IFAC became members of the IASC. Link is a membership terminated in May 2000 when the IASC Constitution has been amended as part of a reorganization of IASC.
The following chronology until the month of June 1998 was taken from an article, 'IASC - 25 Years of Evolution, Cooperation and Improvement', by David Cairns, former secretary general of the IASC, the IASC published in Insight, in June 1998. This information has been furnished to the event between June 1998 and December 2005.
• The Trustees issued IASC Foundation Constitution has been amended.
• Trustees appoint the chairman and members of the reconstituted SAC.
• European Commissioner supports developed by the U.S. SEC staff to the elimination by 2008 of a requirement for firms to reconcile from IFRS to U.S. GAAP when listing in the United States.
• The first IFRIC Co-ordinator appointed.
• The IFRIC start 'tentative agenda decisions' publication.
• The IASB published a discussion paper written by two staff from the partner standard-setters.
• By issuing four SAK, two IASS revised and amended standards of financial instruments at the end of March led to the completion of the IASB's 'stable platform' of standards for use by companies of the standards adopted in January 2005.
• Later in the year other IASB issues IFRS standards and changes in employee benefits.
• The IASB issues first five IFRIC Interpretation.
• The IASB convergence agreement concluded with the Accounting Standards Board of Japan.
• The IASB and FASB agreed to initiate a conceptual framework project
• SAC drafted a charter draft terms of reference and operating procedures
• The Trustees issued a consultation paper inviting public comment on their conclusions on a review of the IASC Foundation Constitution.
• The IASB published a discussion paper first (in SMEs)
• The launch of the IASC Foundation Trustees review of the Constitution.
• The IASB issues IFRS 1 on first time adoption of IFRSs
• The IASB complete the project by issuing a general improvement IASS 13 was revised, and revised versions of both standards on financial instruments.
• The IASB issued exposure drafts of two new standards.
• The Trustees appoint a Director of Education to head the Foundation's educational initiatives.
• The IASB began broadcasting meetings via the Internet.
• The first draft IFRIC issued Interpretation.
• The IFRIC met for the first time.
• The IASB issues International Financial Reporting Standards Introduction and first change-an urgent statement to IAS 19 Employee Technical Benefits-The Asset Ceiling
• After extensive consultation with the SAC, the national accounting standard-setters, regulators and other interested parties, the IASB announced a new program of technical projects.
• The IASB issued exposure drafts of three new standards and changes to existing standards 16
• The IASB meets the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). They concluded Norwalk Agreement, a memorandum of understanding that the board is committed to working together to remove differences between IFRSs and U.S. GAAP and to coordinate their future work program.
• The IASB host the first annual meeting world standards makers.
• Pembina announced the members of the International Accounting Standards Board.
• Trustees appoint members of the Standards Advisory Council (SAC), which met for the first time.
• The European Commission presents the legislation to require the use of IASC standards for all listed companies in 2005 at the latest.
• The coach brings a new force structure, 1 April 2001, the IASB is responsible for setting accounting standards, designated International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
• IASC Foundation acquire office space at 30 Cannon Street, and moved to a new IASB.
• After consultation with the IASB SAC to announce an initial program of nine technical projects, including projects for the improvement of twelve and two IASS IASS on financial instruments.
• IASB reopened the comment period G4 a discussion paper on share-based payments, and published the exposure draft Introduction to IFRSs.
• Trustees appoint members of the International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee (IFRIC) to succeed the SIC.
• Pembina announced the members of the International Accounting Standards Board
• Supervisors announced the search for a member of the Advisory Board of the IAS
• The European Commission presents the legislation to require the use of IASC standards for all public companies no later than 2005
• The coach brings new structure applies - 1 April 2001 - IASB is responsible for setting accounting standards, International Financial Reporting Standards appointed
• SIC meetings open to public observation
• Basel Committee expressed support for the IASS and efforts to harmonize international accounting
• SEC concept release on the use of international accounting standards in the U.S.
• As part of its restructuring program, the IASC Board approved a new constitution
• IOSCO recommends that its members allow multinational issuers to use 30 IASC standards in cross-border offerings and listing
• Nomination of Trustees announced the beginning of the IASC was restructured
• IASC member bodies approve IASC restructuring and new IASC Constitution
• The European Commission announced plans to ask the IASC standards for all listed companies from the European Union no later than 2005
• Sir David Tweedie was named as the first Chairman of the Board of IASC was restructured
• Board of Trustees announced a new look - more than 200 applications received by IASC
• Council approve limited changes IAS 12, IAS 19 and IAS 39 (and related standards)
• Staff IASC published IAS 39 Implementation Guidance
• IAS 41 Agriculture approved at the last meeting of the Board of IASC
• Review of the IASC began IOSCO core standards
• IASC Council Meeting open to public observation
• G7 Finance Ministers and IMF urge support IASS to 'strengthen the international financial architecture
• New IFAC International Forum of Accounting Development (IFAD) assumes the commitment to 'support the use of International Accounting Standards as a minimum benchmark' throughout the world
• EC single market plan for financial services including the use of the IASS
• COST urges that allows European companies to use without the EC Directives and the IASS to phase out U.S. GAAP
• Eurasian Federation of Accountants and Auditors plans adoption of IASS in CIS countries
• restructuring of the IASC Board unanimously approved the 14-member board (12 full-time) under an independent trustee
• Appoint the Board of Trustees Nomination Committee to select the first under the new IASC structure
• New laws in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy allow large companies to use domestic IASS
• The first official translation of IASS (Germany)
• IFAC Public Sector Committee issued draft guidelines for the Government Financial Reporting as a platform for a set of International Public Sector Accounting Standards, must be based on the IASS
• Number of countries with over 100 members of the IASC
• Strategy Working Party proposed structural changes, close relationships with national standard setters
• IASS published on CD ROM
• Core standard equipped with the approval of IAS 39 in December
• Interpretation of the Standing Committee established
• IASC and FASB issued a similar standard on earnings per share
• IASC, FASB and the CICA issued a new standard segment with a relatively small difference
• Discussion Paper proposed for the entire fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities - IASC held 45 consultation meetings in 16 countries
• Joint Working Group's financial instruments are set up with national standard-setters
• People's Republic of China became a member of IASC and IFAC and IASC joined the Board as an observer
• FEE calls on Europe to use the IASC's Framework
• Strategy Working Party was formed
• IASC set up its Internet site
• Core standards acceleration program, target 1998
• Finance executives joined the Board of Directors and the IOSCO join as an observer
• the Council started a joint project with the provisions of the UK Accounting Standards Board
• EU's Contact Committee finds IASS is compatible with EU directives, with the exception of a small
• The U.S. Congress calls for 'high-quality set of generally accepted international accounting standards'
• Australian Securities Exchange support program for the harmonization of Australian standards with IASS
• Minister in the World Trade Organization encourages the successful completion of international standards
• The agreement with IOSCO to complete core standards in 1999 - on completion of successful IOSCO will consider the IASS support for cross-border deals
• First German companies reporting under the IASS
• The parent company Swiss join the Board
• Malaysia and Mexico replaced Italy and Jordan on Board - India and South Africa agreed to share the seat with the Board of Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe
• The European Commission supports the IASC / IOSCO agreement and the use of the IASS by EU multinationals
• The SEC received three treatments plus IAS IAS 7
• Council according to the standard-setters to discuss E48 Financial Instruments
• The World Bank agreed to fund the Agricultural
• Establishment of Advisory Council approved
• IOSCO received 14 IASS but refused to step-by-step support IASS ('Shiratori letter')
• FASB agreed to work with the IASC in earnings per share
• Future events - the first joint publication G4 1
• India to replace Korea on Board
• IOSCO agrees list of core standards and supporting IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
• Comparative and Repair projects completed with the approval of the revised ten-IASS
• The first delegation to the People's Republic of China
• First IASC standard-setter conference (organized in conjunction with COST and the FASB)
• IASC Insight, IASC Update subscription and publication scheme launched
• FASB plans to support international standards
• Statement of Intent on the comparative financial statements
• The European Commission joined the Consultative Group and joined the Board as an observer
• External funding launched
• Committee of Bishops confirmed the relationship between the IASC and IFAC
• COST Nordemann president Hermann argues that Europe's best interests are served by international harmonization and greater involvement in the IASC
• Framework of the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements approved
• Guidelines IFAC public sector business government requires companies to follow the IASS
• Jordan, Korea and the Nordic Federation of replacing Mexico, Nigeria and Taiwan in the Council
• financial instruments project began with the Canadian Accounting Standards Board
• IASC published a survey on the use of the IASS
• FASB joined the Consultative Group and joined the Board as an observer
• E32 Comparative Financial Statements
* Comparative projects started
* IOSCO Consultative Group to join and support the project of comparative
* First Bound Volume IASC International Accounting Standards
• Financial analysts joined the Board
• Joint Conference with the New York Stock Exchange and the International Bar Association on the globalization of financial markets
• OECD forum harmonization of accounting
• IASC proposal responds to SEC prospectus multinational
• Taiwan joined the Board
• Formal meetings with the U.S. SEC
• Italy joined the Board
• IASC / IFAC mutual commitment - Board expanded to 13 states plus four other organizations interested in financial reporting '
• Consultative Group formed
• IASC began a visit to the national standard-setters
• Working party on deferred tax is set by the standard-setter in the Netherlands, Britain and the United States
• The discussion paper published in bank disclosures
• The UN's Intergovernmental Working Group Accounting and Reporting meeting for the first time - IASC paper presents a position on the cooperation
• IASC meet OECD working group on accounting standards
• Nigeria and South Africa joined the Board
• Revision of the Constitution was adopted - the Council expanded to 11 countries - 'associate' member to member - reference to 'basic' standard deleted
• IFAC formed - IASC continue to be autonomous but with close ties to the IFAC
• Group of Ten Governor of the Bank decided to work with the IASC and IASC project funds, the financial statements of banks
• First published Exposure Draft
• First claim members of the association (Belgium, India, Israel, New Zealand, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe)
• IAS 1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies
• IASC was formed - the inaugural meeting of June 29, London
History of Accounting in Indonesia
Accounting practices in Indonesia can be traced to the Dutch colonial era about 17 (ADB 2003) or about the year 1642 (Soemarso 1995). Traces are obviously related to accounting practices can be found in Indonesia in 1747, the accounting practices implemented Amphioen Sociteyt based in Jakarta (Soemarso 1995). In this era of the Dutch introduced the double-entry system (double-entry bookkeeping) as developed by Luca Pacioli. VOC-Dutch-owned company which is a major commercial organizations during the colonial period, played an important role in business practices in Indonesia during this era (Diga and Yunus 1997).
Economic activity in the colonial period increased rapidly during the 1800s and early 1900s. It is characterized by the abolition of forced cultivation so much that menanmkan Dutch businessmen invest in Indonesia. Increased economic activity will encourage the emergence of demand for accountants and book a trained interpreter. As a result, auditing functions began to be introduced in Indonesia in 1907 (Soemarso 1995). Opportunities to the needs of this audit was finally captured by the Dutch and the British accountant who go to Indonesia to assist the administration in the textile and manufacturing companies (Yunus 1990). Internal auditors who first arrived in Indonesia is Labrijn-JW who had been in Indonesia in 1896 and the first to carry out audit work (organize and control the accounting firm) Van Schagen was sent to Indonesia in 1907 (Soemarso 1995).
Delivery Van Schagen is the starting point of the founding of the State-Government Bureau Accountant Accountant Dienst formed in 1915 (Soermarso 1995). The first is a public accountant Frese & Hogeweg which established offices in Indonesia in 1918. Establishment of this office the other firms followed the accounting firm HYVoerens in 1920 and the establishment of Bureau Belasting Accountant Tax Accountant-Dienst (Soemarso 1995). In the colonial era, no one Indonesian who worked as a public accountant. Indonesa first person who worked in the accounting field is JD Massie, who was appointed as a bookkeeper at the Bureau of Taxation Accountants on 21 September 1929 (Soemarso 1995).
Opportunities for local accountants (Indonesia) began to emerge in the years 1942-1945, with the decline of the Dutch from Indonesia. In 1947 there was only one accountant who is Prof nation Indonesia. Dr. Abutari (Soermarso 1995). Accounting practices of the Dutch model was used during the era after independence (1950). Accounting education and training is still dominated by the accounting model of the Netherlands. Nationalization of Dutch-owned company and the emigration of the Dutch from Indonesia in 1958 led to the scarcity of accountants and experts (Diga and Yunus 1997).
On the basis of nationalization and the scarcity of accountants, Indonesia eventually turned into the accounting practices of the American model. However, in this era accounting practices of the American model could blend in with the accounting model of the Netherlands, especially in government institutions. The increasing number of institutions of higher education that offer courses such as accounting, the opening of the University of Indonesia majoring in accounting in 1952, the Institute of Finance (State College of Accountancy-STAN) 1990, the University of Padjajaran 1961, University of North Sumatra, 1962, 1962 and Airlangga University of Gadjah Mada University, 1964 (Soermarso 1995)-has prompted changes to the accounting practices of the Dutch model of the American model in 1960 (ADB 2003). Subsequently, in 1970, all agencies should adopt the American model of the accounting system (Diga and Yunus 1997).
In the mid-1980s, a group of tehnokrat up and have concern for the reform of economic and accounting. The group is trying to create a more competitive economy and more market oriented, with the support of good accounting practices. The group policy obtained strong support from foreign investors and international institutions ¬ (Rosser 1999). Before the improvement of capital markets and the introduction of accounting reforms in the 1980s and early 1990s, the practice of many companies that have encountered three types of books-one to show the real picture of the company and to base decision-making: one to show positive results with the intention that can be used to apply for a loan / credit from domestic and foreign banks, and another one that menjukkan negative results (loss) for tax purposes (Huey 1994).
In the early 1990s, pressure to improve financial reporting quality comes with the occurrence of financial reporting scandals that could affect investor confidence and behavior. The first scandal is a case of Bank Duta (a private bank owned by three foundations controlled president Suharto). Bank Duta went public in 1990 but failed to disclose a large amount of losses (ADB 2003). Bank Duta also did not inform all the information to Bapepam, auditors or underwriternya on the matter. Unfortunately, Bank Duta auditor issued an unqualified opinion. This case was followed by a case of Plaza Indonesia Realty (mid 1992) and Barito Pacific Timber (1993). Rosser (1999) says that the government of Indonesia, the quality of financial reporting must be improved if the government wants a transformation of the capital market model "casino" to be a model that can mobilize long-term investment flows.
The scandals have prompted the government and regulatory authorities to issue a policy of strict regulations relating to financial reporting. First, in September 1994, the government through the IAI adopt a set of accounting standards, known as the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS). Secondly, the Government in collaboration with the World Bank (World Bank) to implement Accounting Development Project aimed to develop accounting regulations and accounting professions training. Third, in 1995, the government makes the rules relating to accounting in a Limited Liability Company Act. Fourth, in 1995 the government incorporate aspects of accounting / financial reporting into the Capital Market Law (Rosser 1999).
The fall of the rupiah in the year 1997-1998 is increasing pressure on the government to improve the quality of financial reporting. Until early 1998, the bankruptcy konglomarat, collapsenya banking system, rising inflation and unemployment force the government to cooperate with the IMF and negotiate berbagaai rescue package offered by the IMF. At this time, the error is not directly aimed at the poor accounting practices and poor quality of information disclosure (transparency). The following table summaries the development of accounting in Indonesia
Referance :
Al-Quran dan terjemahannya. Semarang. CV. Asy-Syafa; 1992
Hendriksen, Eldon S.dan Michael F.Van Breeda. Teori Akunting. Edisi ke-5. Buku satu. Batam: Interaksara, 2000.
Riahi-Belkoui, Ahmen. Teori Akuntansu. Jilid ke-1. Jakarta: Penerbit; salemba Empat, 2000.
Warre, Frees, Reeve, Accounting, USA: South-Westren Collage Publishing, 1996.
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